Ground covers bring a unique beauty to gardens by providing a lush layer of greenery that can transform bare soil into a vibrant, living carpet. Their low-growing habit fills in gaps between taller plants, creating a seamless transition and a more polished look. With their diverse forms, colors, and textures, ground covers enhance the visual appeal of gardens while offering practical benefits that make them indispensable to garden design.

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<i>Laurentia fluviatilis</i> | Blue Star Creeper
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<i>Houttuynia cordata</i> ‘Chameleon’ | Chameleon Plant
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<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘Rosalina’ | Rosalina Cranesbill
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<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘Crystal Rose’ | Crystal Rose Cransebill
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<i>Euphorbia caparissus</i> ‘Fens Ruby’ | Fens Ruby Cypress Spurge
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<i>Dianthus hybrida</i> ‘WP13 GIL05’ | Stargazer Dianthus
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<i>Campanula portenschlagiana</i> | Dalmation Bellflower
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<i>Arenaria montana</i> | Mountain Sandwort
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<i>Ajuga reptans</i> ‘Pink Lightning’ | Pink Lightning Bugleweed
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<i>Ajuga reptans</i> ‘Burgundy Glow’ | Burgundy Glow Bugleweed
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<i>Primula vulgaris</i> ‘Oakleaf Yellow Picotee’ | Oakleaf Yellow Picotee Primrose
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<i>Sedum spurium</i> | Two-Row Stonecrop
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<i>Lysimachia paridiformis</i> | Loosestrife
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<i>Origanum vulgare</i> ‘Aureum’ | Golden Oregano
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<i>Campanula carpatica</i> ‘White Clips’ | White Clips Carpathian Bellflower
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<i>Lysimachia congestiflora</i> ‘Persian Carpet’ | Persian Carpet Moneywort
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<i>Erigeron glaucus</i> ‘Bountiful’ | Seaside Daisy
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<i>Sedum spathulifolium</i> ‘Cape Blanco’ | Cape Blanco Stonecrop
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<i>Galanthus nivalis</i> | Snowdrops
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<i>Saxifraga</i> x <i>geum</i> ‘Dentata’ | Dentata Saxifrage
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<i>Sanguisorba officinalis</i> var. <i>microcephala</i> ‘Little Angel’ | Little Angel Burnet
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<i>Sedum rupestre</i> ‘Angelina’ | Angelina Stonecrop
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<i>Viola labradorica</i> | Labrador Violet
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<i>Vinca major</i> ‘Maculata’ | Greater Periwinkle
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<i>Thymus</i> x <i>citriodorus</i> | Lemon Thyme
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<i>Sempervivum tectorum</i> ‘Emerald Express’ | Hens and Chicks
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<i>Saxifraga</i> x <i>urbium</i> ‘Aureopunctata’ | Variegated London Pride
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<i>Rubus calycinoides</i> | Creeping Raspberry
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<i>Primula sieboldii</i> | Asiatic Primrose
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<i>Pachysandra terminalis</i> ‘Silver Edge’ | Variegated Japanese Spurge
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<i>Oxalis brasiliensis</i> | Brazilian Woodsorrel
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<i>Maianthemum stellatatum</i> | Starry False Lily-of-the-Valley
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<i>Lysimachia congestiflora</i> ‘Persian Chocolate’ | Persian Chocolate Moneywort
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<i>Lithodora diffusa</i> ‘Grace Ward’ | Grace Ward Lithodora
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<i>Limnanthes douglasii</i> | Poached Egg Plant
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<i>Lamium maculatum</i> ‘Anne Greenaway’ | Spotted Deadnettle
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<i>Iberis sempervirens</i> | Evergreen Candytuft
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<i>Hedera helix</i> ‘Gold Child’ | Gold Child English Ivy
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<i>Hedera helix</i> 'Glacier’ | Glacier English Ivy
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<i>Geranium</i> x <i>cantabrigiense</i> ‘Biokovo’ | Biokovo Cranesbill
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<i>Gentiana acaulis</i> | Trumpet Gentian
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<i>Gaultheria procumbens</i> ‘Winter Splash’ | Winter Splash Wintergreen
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<i>Galium odoratum</i> | Sweet Woodruff
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<i>Euphorbia myrsinites</i> | Myrtle Spurge
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<i>Erica carnea</i> ‘Nathalie’ | Nathalie Heath
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<i>Eranthis hyemalis</i> | Winter Aconite
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<i>Cyclamen coum</i> | Persian Violet
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<i>Convallaria majalis</i> | Lily-of-the-Valley
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<i>Ceanothus griseus</i> var. <i>horizontalis</i> ‘Diamond Heights’ | Diamond Heights Carmel Creeper
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<i>Cardamine trifolia</i> | Three-leaf Cardamine
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<i>Campanula</i> x ‘Birch Hybrid’ | Bellflower
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<i>Beesia calthifolia</i> | Ginger-leaf False Bugbane
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<i>Aubretia deltoidea</i> | Purple Rock Cress
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<i>Armeria maritima</i> ‘Splendens’ | Sea Thrift
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<i>Arctostaphylos uva-ursi</i> ‘Vancouver Jade’ | Kinnickinnick, Bearberry
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<i>Arabis alpina</i> subsp. <i>caucasica</i> ‘Snowcap’ | Snowcap Rock Cress
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<i>Anemone nemerosa</i> ‘Vestal’ | Vestal Wood Anemone
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<i>Anemone nemerosa</i> ‘Robinsoniana’ | Wood Anemone ‘Robinsoniana’
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<i>Anemone nemorosa</i> ‘Bracteata Pleniflora’ | Bracteata Pleniflora Wood Anemone
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<i>Anemone nemerosa</i> | Wood Anemone
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<i>Ajuga reptans</i> ‘Mahogany’ | Mahogany Bugleweed
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<i>Ajuga reptans</i> | Bugleweed
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<i>Aegopodium podagraria</i> ‘Variegatum’ | Variegated Bishop’s Weed
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<i>Acorus gramineus</i> ‘Ogon’ | Golden Variegated Sweet Flag
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