Lysimachia punctata | Yellow Loosestrife


Lysimachia punctata, commonly known as yellow loosestrife, brightens the summer garden with clusters of golden-yellow, star-shaped flowers that bloom profusely from early to midsummer. The blooms grow in whorled tiers along upright stems, creating a vibrant column of color that contrasts beautifully with the plant’s lance-shaped, dark green foliage. The cheerful yellow flowers add warmth to borders and make a great addition to wildflower or cottage-style gardens.

Native to parts of Europe, Lysimachia punctata thrives in damp meadows and along streambanks, adapting well to garden settings that mimic these conditions. Its vigorous growth and ability to spread make it an excellent choice for naturalized areas or for creating a dense ground cover in larger garden spaces. Its colorful display and hardy nature add a dynamic presence to garden designs, providing seasonal interest and supporting pollinators drawn to its sunny blooms.

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Lysimachia punctata, commonly known as yellow loosestrife, brightens the summer garden with clusters of golden-yellow, star-shaped flowers that bloom profusely from early to midsummer. The blooms grow in whorled tiers along upright stems, creating a vibrant column of color that contrasts beautifully with the plant’s lance-shaped, dark green foliage. The cheerful yellow flowers add warmth to borders and make a great addition to wildflower or cottage-style gardens.

Native to parts of Europe, Lysimachia punctata thrives in damp meadows and along streambanks, adapting well to garden settings that mimic these conditions. Its vigorous growth and ability to spread make it an excellent choice for naturalized areas or for creating a dense ground cover in larger garden spaces. Its colorful display and hardy nature add a dynamic presence to garden designs, providing seasonal interest and supporting pollinators drawn to its sunny blooms.

Lysimachia punctata, commonly known as yellow loosestrife, brightens the summer garden with clusters of golden-yellow, star-shaped flowers that bloom profusely from early to midsummer. The blooms grow in whorled tiers along upright stems, creating a vibrant column of color that contrasts beautifully with the plant’s lance-shaped, dark green foliage. The cheerful yellow flowers add warmth to borders and make a great addition to wildflower or cottage-style gardens.

Native to parts of Europe, Lysimachia punctata thrives in damp meadows and along streambanks, adapting well to garden settings that mimic these conditions. Its vigorous growth and ability to spread make it an excellent choice for naturalized areas or for creating a dense ground cover in larger garden spaces. Its colorful display and hardy nature add a dynamic presence to garden designs, providing seasonal interest and supporting pollinators drawn to its sunny blooms.

  • Family: Primulaceae
    Height: 3-4 feet tall
    Width: 3-4 feet wide
    Foliage color: Green, lance-shaped leaves
    Flower color: Bright yellow, star-shaped flowers
    Bloom time: Early to mid-summer
    Light requirements: Full sun to partial shade
    Water requirements: Moderate
    Maintenance: Low; remove spent flowers to control spread if desired
    Growing zone: USDA Zones 4-8
    Wildlife attractors: Attracts bees and other pollinators

    This plant can be seen in the perennial border at the Bellevue Botanical Garden.

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